Source code for cashflows.taxing

After tax cashflow calculation


The function ``after_tax_cashflow`` returns a new cashflow object for which the
values are taxed. The specified tax rate is only appled to positive values
in the cashflow. Negative values are reemplazed by a zero value.

Functions in this module


import pandas as pd

from cashflows.timeseries import *
from cashflows.common import *

[docs]def after_tax_cashflow(cflo, tax_rate): """Computes the after cashflow for a tax rate. Taxes are not computed for negative values in the cashflow. Args: cflo (pandas.Series): generic cashflow. tax_rate (pandas.Series): periodic income tax rate. Returns: Taxed values (`pandas.Series`) **Example*** >>> cflo = cashflow(const_value=[-50] + [100] * 4, start='2010', freq='A') >>> tax_rate = interest_rate(const_value=[10] * 5, start='2010', freq='A') >>> after_tax_cashflow(cflo=cflo, tax_rate=tax_rate) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE 2010 0.0 2011 10.0 2012 10.0 2013 10.0 2014 10.0 Freq: A-DEC, dtype: float64 """ if not isinstance(cflo, pd.Series): raise TypeError("cashflow must be a pandas.Series") if not isinstance(tax_rate, pd.Series): raise TypeError("tax_rate must be a pandas.Series") verify_period_range([cflo, tax_rate]) result = cflo.copy() for time, _ in enumerate(cflo): if result[time] > 0: result[time] *= tax_rate[time] / 100 else: result[time] = 0 return result
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()