Source code for cashflows.analysis

Analysis of cashflows


This module implements the following functions for financial analysis of

* ``timevalue``: computes the equivalent net value of a cashflow in a specified
  time moment.

* ``net_uniform_series``: computes the periodic equivalent net value of a
  cashflow for a specified number of payments.

* ``benefit_cost_ratio``: computes the benefit cost ratio of a cashflow using
  a periodic interest rate for discounting the cashflow.

* ``irr``:  calculates the periodic internal rate of return of a cashflow.

* ``mirr``:  calculates the periodic modified internal rate of return of a

* ``list_as_table``: prints a list as a table. This function is useful for
  comparing financial indicators for different alternatives.

Functions in this module


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

# cashflows.
from cashflows.timeseries import *
from cashflows.rate import *
from cashflows.common import _vars2list
from cashflows.tvmm import tvmm
# from cashflows.utilityfun import exp_utility_fun, log_utility_fun, sqrt_utility_fun

[docs]def irr(cflo): """Computes the internal rate of return of a generic cashflow as a periodic interest rate. Args: cflo (pandas.Series): Generic cashflow. Returns: Float or list of floats. **Examples.** >>> cflo = cashflow([-200] + [100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> irr(cflo) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 34.90... >>> irr([cflo, cflo]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 34.90... 1 34.90... dtype: float64 """ if isinstance(cflo, pd.Series): cflo = [cflo] retval = pd.Series([0] * len(cflo), dtype=np.float64) for index, xcflo in enumerate(cflo): retval[index] = (100 * np.irr(xcflo)) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] return retval
## modified internal rate of return
[docs]def mirr(cflo, finance_rate=0, reinvest_rate=0): """Computes the modified internal rate of return of a generic cashflow as a periodic interest rate. Args: cflo (pandas.Series): Generic cashflow. finance_rate (float): Periodic interest rate applied to negative values of the cashflow. reinvest_rate (float): Periodic interest rate applied to positive values of the cashflow. Returns: Float or list of floats. **Examples.** >>> cflo = cashflow([-200] + [100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> mirr(cflo) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 18.92... >>> mirr([cflo, cflo]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 18.920712 1 18.920712 dtype: float64 """ # negativos: finance_rate # positivos: reinvest_rate if isinstance(cflo, pd.Series): cflo = [cflo] retval = pd.Series([0] * len(cflo), dtype=np.float64) for index, xcflo in enumerate(cflo): retval[index] = (100 * np.mirr(xcflo, finance_rate, reinvest_rate)) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] return retval
[docs]def timevalue(cflo, prate, base_date=0, utility=None): """ Computes the equivalent net value of a generic cashflow at time `base_date` using the periodic interest rate `prate`. If `base_date` is 0, `timevalue` computes the net present value of the cashflow. If `base_date` is the index of the last element of `cflo`, this function computes the equivalent future value. Args: cflo (pandas.Series, list of pandas.Series): Generic cashflow. prate (pandas.Series): Periodic interest rate. base_date (int, tuple): Time. utility (function): Utility function. Returns: Float or list of floats. **Examples.** >>> cflo = cashflow([-732.54] + [100]*8, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> prate = interest_rate([2]*9, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> timevalue(cflo, prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.00... >>> prate = interest_rate([12]*5, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> cflo = cashflow([-200]+[100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> timevalue(cflo, prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 103.73... >>> timevalue(cflo, prate, 4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 163.22... >>> prate = interest_rate([12]*5, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> cflo = cashflow([-200] + [100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> timevalue(cflo=cflo, prate=prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 103.73... >>> timevalue(cflo=[cflo, cflo], prate=prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 103.734935 1 103.734935 dtype: float64 """ if isinstance(cflo, pd.Series): cflo = [cflo] if not isinstance(prate, pd.Series): raise TypeError("`prate` must be a pandas.Series") verify_period_range(cflo + [prate]) retval = pd.Series([0] * len(cflo), dtype=np.float64) factor = to_discount_factor(prate=prate, base_date=base_date) for index, xcflo in enumerate(cflo): netval = 0 for time, _ in enumerate(xcflo): netval += xcflo[time] * factor[time] retval[index] = netval if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] return retval
[docs]def net_uniform_series(cflo, prate, nper=1): """Computes a net uniform series equivalent of a cashflow. This is, a fixed periodic payment during `nper` periods that is equivalent to the cashflow `cflo` at the periodic interest rate `prate`. Args: cflo (pandas.Series): Generic cashflow. prate (pandas.Series): Periodic interest rate. nper (int, list): Number of equivalent payment periods. Returns: Float or list of floats. **Examples.** >>> prate = interest_rate([2]*9, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> cflo = cashflow([-732.54] + [100]*8, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> net_uniform_series(cflo, prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.00... >>> prate = interest_rate([12]*5, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> cflo = cashflow([-200] + [100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> net_uniform_series(cflo, prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 116.18... >>> net_uniform_series([cflo, cflo], prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 116.183127 1 116.183127 dtype: float64 """ if isinstance(cflo, pd.Series): cflo = [cflo] if not isinstance(prate, pd.Series): raise TypeError("`prate` must be a pandas.Series") verify_period_range(cflo + [prate]) retval = pd.Series([0] * len(cflo), dtype=np.float64) erate = equivalent_rate(prate=prate) for index, xcflo in enumerate(cflo): netval = timevalue(cflo=xcflo, prate=prate, base_date=0) retval[index] = (-tvmm(nrate=erate, nper=nper, pval=netval, fval=0, pmt=None)) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] return retval
[docs]def benefit_cost_ratio(cflo, prate, base_date=0): """ Computes a benefit cost ratio at time `base_date` of a discounted cashflow using the periodic interest rate `prate`. Args: prate (float, pandas.Series): Periodic interest rate. cflo (pandas.Series): Generic cashflow. base_date (int, list): Time. Returns: Float or list of floats. **Examples.** >>> prate = interest_rate([2]*9, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> cflo = cashflow([-717.01] + [100]*8, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> benefit_cost_ratio(cflo, prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.02... >>> prate = interest_rate([12]*5, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> cflo = cashflow([-200] + [100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q') >>> benefit_cost_ratio(cflo, prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.518... >>> benefit_cost_ratio([cflo, cflo], prate) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0 1.518675 1 1.518675 dtype: float64 """ if isinstance(cflo, pd.Series): cflo = [cflo] if not isinstance(prate, pd.Series): raise TypeError("`prate` must be a pandas.Series") verify_period_range(cflo + [prate]) retval = pd.Series([0] * len(cflo), dtype=np.float64) for index, xcflo in enumerate(cflo): num = 0 den = 0 num = xcflo.copy() den = xcflo.copy() for time, _ in enumerate(xcflo): if xcflo[time] >= 0.0: den[time] = 0 else: num[time] = 0 retval[index] = -timevalue(num, prate, base_date) / timevalue(den, prate, base_date) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] return retval
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()